Saturday, August 24, 2013

Off on an Adventure!

A biking adventure with my sweetie, who as you know, is an avid biker. This is my first bike trip! Plus, we'll be riding consecutively for days, and camping at night. 7 days of fun - 6 days of real riding - about 300 miles to cover. So, a pretty good adventure.
We'll make a little loop from our home in a suburb of Chicago, out riding along lake Michigan until Muskegon, from where we take the ferry across to Milwaukee, and then after hanging out there, head S and end up at home.
I've been super engrossed with my marathon training and my work, so my poor Shonu had to do all the planning for the trip. He's a fabulous guy, and he insists he doesn't mind, and infact enjoys it!
Watch this spot for daily updates - I want to be able to keep a diary of sorts of my experiences, and share with those of you that would like to follow.
Tomorrow, off we go on our adventure!